Ok, it is Sunday
If God wanted us to be aware that today is Sunday, well, he definitely did! But let's start with order.
Last night I had a ferocious fight with a dormouse. He entered my tent while I was still reading a novel, I tried to stop him first, then to force him out with no luck at all. So I lazily went back to bed just to realise that our room sharing would not work at all. He kept running all around and more then everywhere else he kept running on the canvas roof… upside down. Now, I have nothing against a dormouse running upside down on my roof, nothing but the noise he does with the little claws…. ratatatatà…… ratatatatà……. ratatatatà. He decided eventually to use the pocket of my hanging jeans as a den so I could bring it out. It took me 45 minutes to show him the exit….
Usual early wake up and little drive, some elephants, a couple of restless lioness and a nice herd of lesser kudus were enough to give me a smile. In the afternoon we all went out, being Sunday afternoon all the staff were resting so I could bring them all (except one that was holding the fort). We did not see anything really special until the last minute. The sky became dark, rain clouds mounting and creating a fluffy violet blue roof. Then the sun went down, just under the layer and the clouds became yellow, rain painting vertical lines...... and then the colour changed again in an incredible dark red. We all were astonished, nose up watching the best painting ever, watching the magic of Africa at its best, watching and breathing a wonderful show. I think I have never seen something like that….God was telling us that it was Sunday.